Tag Archives: work

Choosing your place of work, i.e. your working website

Following my earlier posts, I had described what you need to do to be comfortable enough to start working. Then I talked about the need for you to know what areas you will be specializing in. After you have done all this, all that remains is for you to look for a job.

As you might know, most of the freelancers work online. This means that before you can start work you need to know what website you will be working on. There are so many of these out there but very few of them offer legitimate jobs.

What I mean is that there are some sites that are out there that are out to take your money and run. Most of them will ask you to pay a membership fee for you to join. You have to be very wary before you pay for the membership of any freelancing site. I am not saying that all of the websites that will ask you  to pay for their membership are scams, what I am saying is that you need to prove the legitimacy of the websites and the jobs that they offer before you dish out any money. This is because that are some very good websites that are out there that will give you consistent, better paying jobs than those that ask you to pay for membership..

In choosing the website that you will be working on, there is certain thing that you have to look out for:

  • The first and most obvious one is if they charge fees for you to register. It is always good for you to join sites that are free but there are some very good ones that are paid for. I will explore this area in another blog. But this is a huge point for most people because you are looking for freelance jobs to get money. Thus you cannot pay for a membership if you have no money, right?
  • The other is the amount of members that he website has. There are two types of members in any freelance website. The first are the clients and the others are the freelancers. I any freelance website, there is a chance that a percentage of these members are clients. And this means that the larger the number of members of the site, the higher the number of clients too.
  • The other is amount of work that is available on the site. You may have to look for some website reviews for you to be able to tell which the websites that you would like to work on have a large number of jobs and those that do not.
  • The pay that you can get from the website also varies from website to website and may be a sticking point for a lot of people. In this area you may have to talk to a few people for you to exactly know what pay to expect

With that being said, there are a lot more things that would make a person choose a freelance website over the other. All you need to do is find on that you find comfortable in and go with it.


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A workspace is a must

One of the biggest and most common mistake that most of the freelancers make is to jump right into the thick of things and start searching for and filling job applications. while filling the applications is not a bad thing, there are a few things that have to be in order before the freelancer gets to working.

even before you apply for that job and even before you decide which website you would like to work at/in, you have to define the space that you will be working at. this means that you have to get a room or a space in the house that you are living in and designate it your freelance workspace.this is actually one of the most important things that you can do to propel your success.Image

but why have a workspace?

this is a question that you may be asking by now and the answers is simple. first of all, if you are serious about working and earning by being a freelancer, then you have to give your contracts the seriousness that they deserve,this mans that you have to first of all be in the right mind frame to work. this will be aided largely by the space that you have curved put that you will be working in. if the space is small and untidy, i can bet you that you will not be in the best frame of mind top perform your best and thus you will not succeed.

the other thing that you have to keep in mind is that there will be jobs that will demand that you concentrate. if you have a space away from any disturbances then you will be able to do so. the space will also allow you  to get jobs done with as little disruption as possible. this is something that you would like if you are working on high profile jobs.

by now you may be asking how you can choose the space and what you need at the workspace. watch out for the next post.

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Posted by on March 27, 2012 in online work, Uncategorized


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before you get started

After you have made the decision that you would like to leave the office and let go of that mean boss of yours and plunge fully into the world of freelancing, you have to start getting prepared to work as a freelancer. As such, there will be things that you will need to look into even before you decide to start looking for a job. One of the greatest attributes of a freelancer is patience. Patience to wait for a job that you applied for to come through for you and patience to wait for the contractor to pay because some of them take some time before they pay. Another thing that you have to have is the ability to define the skills that you have and thus the areas that you would like to get involved with.

The biggest mistake that most freelancers make is to try to get everything and work on a full plate at the same time. The downside of this is that they end up with half done projects and those that are complete are usually of low quality. The best thing to do is to always take a niche and stick to it. if you are a writer, then do not try to be a designer because if you do then you are bound to fail in one of the two.This is the very essence of knowing what you can do best and doing it whole heatedly.

After you are done defining what you can do best and what skills you need to have in order to succeed in the fields that you have chosen, it is time for you to assemble your tools of trade. For most of the freelancers, this is a computer, an internet connection and a phone. These are the tools that will help you reach the contractors and be able to work like you are supposed to.

You may need to define the space that you will be working in. This may be an area that you designate for your work if you are serious about working as a freelancer. The requirements of the workspace and the things that you need to look at when you are choosing it will form the basis of the next article.

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Posted by on March 24, 2012 in Uncategorized


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freelancing is the new work module

With the way things are, more and more people are finding it hard to find decent jobs that they can do. Those that find the jobs are never entirely satisfied because the jobs are either too restrictive or they feel that they are not applying the best that they can into the jobs. With that said, a lot more people are starting to look for work online. do not be fooled, there are lots of opportunities for you to work online and there are a lot of opportunities for you to invest. The only bump on the road is that statistics say that almost 95% of all the websites that claim to make you rich are scams. What they do is enroll you into a programme that promises to make you a millionaire but you never see the money or the chance to do what they specified when you joined the scheme. you wait for that one email that will tell you have made some progress but none comes.I have been there.

Before i decided to start working as a freelancer, i had done a lot of these things. ‘ Auto-pilot’ programmes, cash making machines and the like. All that came to naught. with billions of websites out there and only 5% being legit, then you can see the task that is ahead of you when looking for legit freelance work or an online employment opportunity.

I have been working for freelance sites for the last few years and i can tell you there are some very good ones out there. all you have to do is find them and then apply some patience and you will start making a decent income online. you have to keep in mind that you will not have your money in a single day or a week. It takes at least a month to prove that you have the skills that you need and to find a decent employer.

Stay tuned to this blog as I hold your hand and help you navigate the murky waters that are freelance work spaces.


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Posted by on March 1, 2012 in online work, Uncategorized


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